Giacomo Leopardi - Opera Omnia >>  Canti
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1798 - Birth

1816 - [ turned to stone ]

1817 - First love

1818 - To Italy

1818 - On the proposed Dante monument in Florence

1818 - Imitation

1818 - [ separation ]

1819 - The infinite

1819 - To the moon

1819 - [ Alcetas and Melissus ]

1820 - To Angelo Mai

1820 - The evening of the holiday

1821 - The dream

1821 - For the marriage of his sister Paolina

1821 - The solitary life

1821 - To a winner in the games

1821 - Marcus Junius Brutus

1822 - To spring

1822 - Sappho's last song

1822 - Hymn to the patriarchs

1823 - To his lady

1824 - Fragment from Simonides I

1824 - Fragment from Simonides II

1826 - To count Carlo Pepoli

1826 - The re-awakening

1828 - Scherzo

1828 - To Silvia

1829 - Memories

1829 - The calm after the storm

1829 - Saturday night in the village

1830 - Night song of a wandering shepherd of Asia

1831 - The solitary bird

1831 - Masterful thought

1832 - Consalvo

1832 - Love and death

1833 - To himself

1831 - Aspasia

1835 - On a lovely lady's image

1835 - Bas relief on an ancient tomb

1835 - Palinode to marchese Gino Capponi

1836 - Moon-set

1836 - Wild broom

1837 - Death

Operette morali



Alphabetical index of authors



Other authors of the XIX century:

    Luigi Capuana

    Giosue Carducci

    Carlo Collodi

    Edmondo De Amicis

    Francesco De Sanctis

    Ugo Foscolo

    Alessandro Manzoni

    Giovanni Pascoli

    Giovanni Verga



Authors of the XX century:

    Gabriele D'Annunzio

    Grazia Deledda

    Luigi Pirandello

    Italo Svevo


illeopardi, all texts of Giacomo Leopardi giacomo author of eight hundred (800), leopards is the difference

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